Our attorneys seek justice for injury victims in the San Diego and Riverside areas.

Drunk Driving Wrongful Death Lawyers In Southern California

Fatal car accidents caused by drunk driving usually result in criminal charges that carry stiff penalties for convictions. In addition to criminal consequences, however, drunk drivers can also be penalized through the civil law process. If your loved one was killed by a drunk driver, pursuing civil compensation is your right. At the law firm of Martinez & Schill LLP, our attorneys are skilled in handling wrongful death cases related to motor vehicle accidents and drunk driving. Drunk driving is the very definition of negligent behavior, and our San Diego wrongful death attorneys fight to hold drunk drivers civilly liable to the greatest possible extent.

Damages For Fatal Drunk Driving Accidents In California

The sudden death of a loved one can trigger substantial emotional and financial damages. Under California law, surviving family members of the deceased have a right to bring a wrongful death civil lawsuit against any and all responsible parties. These claims can involve both economic and noneconomic damages. Economic damages include:

  • Medical bills incurred subsequent to the accident but prior to death
  • Funeral expenses
  • Lost future income
  • Property damage

Noneconomic damages include:

  • Loss of services, protection, care and assistance provided by the decedent
  • Sorrow, mental anguish and solace

Additionally, punitive damages may be available to punish the drunk driver for his or her heinous behavior and to serve as a deterrent to others in the future.

Our attorneys recognize that no amount of financial compensation will make up for the grave loss of a loved one, but they strive to alleviate the financial burden associated with the loss and help clients move forward without the stress of financial instability.

Arrange A Free Consultation

If your family member was killed in an accident caused by drunk driving, contact us to schedule a free consultation to discuss your legal options. We will answer your questions, explain the civil process and work with you to determine the best way to move forward with your case. Our firm has offices in San Diego and Riverside, and we work with clients throughout Southern California. Our wrongful death cases are handled on a contingency basis, so we do not charge attorney’s fees until we win your case. Call 619-512-5995 for our San Diego office or 951-200-4630  for our Riverside location.