Electrocutions And Explosions On California Construction Sites
Construction sites have many dangerous hazards that can lead to serious accidents. While electrocution and explosion hazards are not as common as some other construction hazards, they can be deadly or cause very serious injuries. At the construction accident law office of Martinez & Schill LLP, we are experienced in representing clients who have been injured in all types of construction site accidents, including those involving electrocution and explosions. Our San Diego, California, construction accident lawyers are dedicated to obtaining maximum compensation for our clients, and we work tirelessly toward that objective.
Electrocution Accidents
Electrocutions on construction sites typically occur due to contact with live electrical wiring that has not been grounded. They can also occur due to faulty equipment, particularly defective heavy-duty equipment. These accidents are completely avoidable and should not occur in safe work environments. An electrocution can cause serious external burns as well as severe internal damage to organs and tissue. Some electrocutions are fatal. When dealing with a serious accident such as an electrocution, having an experienced personal injury lawyer to represent you is essential.
Injuries From Construction Site Explosions
Explosions on construction sites are always possible hazards as there are numerous causes for these devastating accidents, including:
- Faulty electrical wiring
- Gas leaks
- Defective heavy-duty equipment
- Flammable materials
Those who are injured in explosions will often face long roads to recovery. They may have burns, traumatic head injuries, broken bones from the blast and/or a host of other injuries. We understand how devastating it is to deal with injuries from an explosion, and we work with you to help you get full compensation for your past and future medical needs.
Contact Martinez & Schill LLP Today
If you have been injured or a loved one has been killed in an electrocution or explosion accident, contact Martinez & Schill LLP to schedule a free consultation. Call our San Diego office at 619-512-5995 or our Riverside office at 951-200-4630 . We will meet with you immediately to discuss your case and strategize how to move forward toward a successful resolution. We have offices in San Diego and Riverside and offer flexible scheduling. If you are unable to travel due to your injury, we are also available to come to you. We work with clients throughout Southern California.