The recommended safe following distance is three seconds. In theory, this means that the vehicle behind you should pass a stationary object three seconds after you have. The majority of people adhere to this distance, but some do not. There are also occasions where it may simply be impossible, such as in busy traffic.
When someone follows too closely behind you, this is referred to as tailgating. What can you do if you find yourself in this situation?
A measured response
Someone may tailgate you by accident. Once they realize this, they may correct their following distance without you having to do anything. However, it is also possible that someone is following too closely because they are frustrated. Thus, it’s important that your response is measured. You want to avoid making hand gestures, slamming on the brakes or any other rash actions. These are only likely to make the situation worse.
It’s far more effective to focus on your own driving and maintain a consistent speed. Once traffic starts to flow again, the tailgating vehicle will hopefully disappear from your rearview mirror. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always happen.
Pulling over may be your best option
If a tailgater won’t leave you alone, then it may be time to start thinking about pulling over. Again, this should be done in a safe and measured way. Signaling in plenty of time and stopping at the next available safe spot could see the tailgater on their way, leaving you free to get on with the rest of the day.
If the tailgater is still behind you or signals at the same time that you signal, this could be a sign that they have targeted you specifically for a road rage incident. In this case, make sure you pull over at a place where there are members of the public who can act as witnesses. In a public space, there’s also a good chance that law enforcement is nearby.
Tailgating is a dangerous driving behavior that can cause injuries. If you have been hurt in this type of scenario, seek legal guidance to find out if you qualify for personal injury compensation.