Our attorneys seek justice for injury victims in the San Diego and Riverside areas.

3 other areas for car accident compensation

On Behalf of | Aug 7, 2024 | Motor Vehicle Accidents

If you get injured in a car accident, you may know that you want to seek compensation for your medical bills. This is usually where people start. Maybe you suffered a back injury or a head injury, and now you have thousands of dollars in medical bills that you didn’t expect and were not responsible for.

This certainly may be how you start the legal process of seeking compensation. But you don’t want to leave any costs out, as it’s important to maximize the compensation you get so that it actually covers everything. Quickly accepting a settlement that only covers medical bills could leave you on the hook for many other costs. Let’s take a look at some other areas where you may want to seek car accident compensation.

1. Wages and earnings

First of all, you may need compensation for lost wages. If your injuries have lowered your earning capacity, then you may need compensation for wages that you will lose in the future. This is very important if you can no longer work or if you have to take a lower-paying job.

2. Pain and suffering

Another thing to remember is that you may have endured significant pain and suffering. This is a bit more difficult to quantify than your medical bills, but you may deserve compensation if the other driver was responsible for that experience.

3. Loss of companionship or affection

If a loved one passed away in the accident, such as a spouse, then you may be able to seek compensation for a lack of companionship. If you suffered serious injuries, you may also be able to consider a loss of affection. For instance, a spinal cord injury could mean that you can no longer be intimate with your spouse.

This helps you see how extensive your case may be and why it’s so important to know what legal steps to take.

