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When should you seek medical treatment for spinal column trauma?

On Behalf of | Sep 1, 2022 | Personal Injury

Spinal cord injuries can happen to anyone. If you have suffered trauma to the spinal column, it’s important to listen to your body and know when to seek medical assistance.

Spinal cord injuries

Many situations can lead to the development of a spinal cord injury. When trauma affects the area, it usually occurs as a result of an accident such as a serious fall or car crash. However, other situations can cause damage to the spine, such as acts of violence involving a firearm or knife.

When any part of the spinal cord suffers injuries, it can result in pain, stiffness or loss of sensation or bodily function. Often, these problems can be permanent, but some may be resolved with medical intervention and rehabilitation.

Some spinal cord injuries are considered incomplete, resulting in some motor sensory function in the area impacted. Unfortunately, some people suffer from a complete injury, which causes a full loss of motor sensory function or paralysis.

Emergency symptoms that indicate medical treatment is needed

Surprisingly, many people do not immediately know they have suffered spinal cord injuries. Some may experience belated symptoms after thinking they are not injured.

Certain symptoms signify the urgent need to seek medical assistance. Any feeling of weakness, numbness, tingling or loss of sensation in your hands, fingers, feet or toes should be viewed as an emergency.

Severe pain in your neck, back or head should never be ignored. Loss of control over your bladder or bowels is also considered abnormal and should serve as a warning sign that you need immediate medical help.

Balance issues can be a symptom. Also, if you experience problems with breathing, it could be a medical emergency and you should seek prompt medical care.
