Although single and two-car accidents are the most common, multi-car crashes and pile-ups do occur. Often, such crashes are the result of a chain reaction – one car sets it off, and others may aggravate the circumstances. Unfortunately, this can make determining who is at fault rather difficult. As such, it may be difficult to determine how one can go about pursuing compensation for any injuries they may have sustained. If you or someone you love has been involved in a multi-car accident, the following information may help.
Determining Who is At Fault
While the at-fault driver may be evident in some cases (a red-light runner, a driver who was speeding) in some cases, others may be difficult to discern. It should also be noted that the driver who set off the chain reaction may not be the only one at fault. For example, if a car crashes into a vehicle behind you, and that vehicle hits you, both could be considered liable. So, whom do you file your claim through? This may not be a cut-and-dry decision.
Law enforcement will often investigate the accident to determine who may have been at-fault in a multi-car accident. However, they generally look at all involved parties to determine if more than one driver may have been negligent. A copy of their final analysis may be necessary for those wishing to pursue a personal injury claim.
Taking a Proactive Approach
Since it may not be possible to determine who was at fault for an accident until after the investigation is complete, you may have to act proactively. Gather information from all the drivers, including their plate number, driver’s license number, insurance policy number and provider, personal and work phone numbers, and physical address. You should also attempt to collect information from any witnesses at the scene. Also, request a copy of the police report; this will give you the information you need to follow up on any pending investigations.
Getting Assistance with Your Claim
Legal assistance can be beneficial for any car accident victim, but it can be crucial in situations involving multi-car pile-ups. Not only do you have to submit your claim to the right insurance company, and under the correct policy, you may have multiple claims to file. If there are multiple drivers involved and some of them have no car insurance, this will complicate matters further. With all of them considered time-sensitive, the task of going it alone can be overwhelming.
Do not face your personal injury claim alone. Instead, contact Martinez & Schill, LLP for assistance. Dedicated and experienced, our San Diego personal injury lawyers can handle the legal complexities of your case to ensure you and your loved ones have the time to heal. In every situation, we pursue the most compensation possible. Schedule a free consultation to learn more. Call 619-512-5995 today.